Improving the environment and quality of life.
Totally committed
We've made five Total Commitments to our stakeholders: to protect and develop people, improve the environment, work with our supply chain and enhance communities.
Delivering on these Commitments is a strategic priority for us. We measure our performance using key performance indicators and challenging targets, so we can make sure we keep improving.
Discover more
Protecting people
Staying safe
2024 performance
lost time incident rate (2023: 0.24)
2025 target
We are committed to safeguarding our people and partners by implementing safe and healthy workplace practices. By putting in place rigorous measures and promoting our high standards of conduct across the value chain, we are protecting people at every stage of their journey with us.
Creating a culture of safety
The health, safety and wellbeing of our people and the subcontractors who work on our sites is our highest priority. We empower our divisions to establish targeted programmes that are applicable to the bespoke nature of their work and projects. All divisions hold ISO 45001 accreditation for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and ISO 9001 accreditation for Quality Management, with BakerHicks holding SafeContractor certification.
Beyond our own operations, our divisions are involved in projects that require health and wellbeing to be integrated into the design and functionality of our buildings and spaces.
Upholding human rights
Our Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to upholding the highest standards of human rights within our business by treating everyone who interacts with the Group with dignity, wellbeing and respect. This includes our obligation to eliminate all forms of modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labour from within our business and supply chain.
We have an independently run whistleblowing facility to ensure that our employees and subcontractors can report any concerns they may have.
Developing people
Training and careers
2024 performance
training days per employee per year (2023: 3.2)
2025 target
5 days
Our innovative, open and diverse culture facilitates our purpose to harness the energy of our people to achieve the improbable. We provide a wide range of tools to help our employees meet their personal ambitions while driving our collective success.
Developing skills and driving career development
By consistently investing in the skills, knowledge and expertise of our people, we are creating a culture of leadership and innovation. In 2024, our employees participated in over 26,000 training days, covering a broad mix of on-the-job activities, e-learning and formal training.
Leadership development also remains a critical focus. By identifying ways to improve skillsets, provide meaningful career development opportunities, strengthen our core capabilities and support employees on their career journeys, we are attracting and retaining industry-leading talent.
Creating a diverse culture
It is vital that we create an open and dynamic workplace that is reflective of the communities we serve. To play our part in attracting new and diverse talent and extending opportunities, we participate in many national partnerships, including initiatives with Women into Home Building, the Construction Inclusion Coalition, Inclusive Employers and Buildforce UK.
We are also passionate about enhancing female inclusion and ethnic diversity across the Group. In 2024, 26% of our UK workforce were women, including 27.3% of our Group management team and 42.9% of the Board. We are also taking active steps to reduce our gender pay gap.
Improving the environment
Targeting net zero
2024 performance
reduction in Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions from 2019 baseline (2023: 45%)
2030 target
(increase) in Scope 3 carbon emissions from 2020 baseline
2030 target
We are decarbonising our activities and delivering solutions to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. Through our science-based targets, we are committed to achieving net zero across our own operations and value chain by 2045. We are also passionate about conducting our activities in ways that support nature, regenerate green spaces and help our clients achieve biodiversity net gains.
Delivering emissions reductions
We are committed to identifying ways to reduce emissions in our direct operations while also providing low-carbon customer solutions. In 2024, we retained our AAA MSCI ESG rating for the fourth consecutive year and an A for CDP Climate for the fifth year. Our Transition Plan details our strategy for meeting our near-term science-based targets to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 60% and our Scope 3 emissions by 42% by 2030, as well as our longer-term target of a 90% reduction in Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2045.
We consider climate resilience when procuring, designing and decommissioning, and we support our customers by developing sustainable building and homes. We also help our clients to target ways to decarbonise their projects through innovative solutions like CarboniCa.
Working together with our supply chain
2024 performance
of total invoices paid within 30 days (2023: 68.8%)
2025 target
Our longstanding relationships with our supply chain partners are essential to the successful delivery of our projects. To support them, we are committed to leveraging our reach to roll out our standards of ethics and compliance while collaborating to drive sustainable action on behalf of our clients.
Establishing strong relationships
We depend on our suppliers to deliver high-quality solutions and services that enable us to exceed our stakeholders’ expectations. By forging close relationships with our preferred partners, we are helping to secure our supply chain.
Our Morgan Sindall Supply Chain Family consists of over 415 members who benefit from tailored training, on-site advice, access to contract information and dedicated relationship management teams. In 2024, 77% of Group spend by value was with Supply Chain Family Members (2023: 75%).
Decarbonising our value chain
Our relationship with the Supply Chain Sustainability School (SCSS) remains a critical partnership for delivering climate-related education to our suppliers to drive down value chain emissions. At the end of 2024, 2,835 suppliers were registered with the SCSS (2023: 2,833), with 591 active members attending dedicated training covering a wide range of sustainability topics.
We also continue to onboard our major suppliers towards automated Scope 3 emission reporting by using invoices to calculate embodied carbon in real time.
Enhancing communities
2024 performance
delivered in social value since October 2023, as measured by the Social Value Portal
We want our projects to leave a positive legacy by creating shared value for the communities where we work and operate. To deliver this, we are working to accurately measure our impacts to better understand how and where we are creating social and economic value.
Creating a lasting legacy
With over 80 offices and a nationwide supply chain network, our activities have a broad reach across the UK. Furthermore, with hundreds of projects up and down the country, we recognise the opportunity we have to make a lasting impact on the communities where we live and work.
Our divisions participate in a wide range of social value activities including educational programmes, community initiatives and environmental projects.
Measuring social value
In July 2024, we retired the Social Value Bank and launched the Built Environment Bank in partnership with HACT (the Housing Associations' Charitable Trust) and Simetrica-Jacobs. The new tool measures the social impact of construction, development and supply chain activities and has been designed for use across the industry. Specifically, it broadens the scope to include an assessment of social wellbeing.
We also use the Social Value Portal to independently assess the social and economic value generated by our activities. The Portal has determined that between October 2023 and the end of 2024, Morgan Sindall Group contributed £4.6bn in social value through its projects.
We have a real opportunity to help tackle climate change and create social value
The built environment is currently responsible for 25% of UK carbon emissions. We can help accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy by reducing our emissions and waste, building energy-efficient buildings, and increasing biodiversity.
Our Transition Plan outlines the actions we are taking to decarbonise our activities in line with our 2030 and 2045 science-based targets, which are aimed at achieving net zero by 2045.
We create social value by regenerating the UK's towns and cities, developing and maintaining housing, improving transport and infrastructure, and building and fitting out schools, universities and offices that are healthy and inspiring to work in.
We also provide training and work opportunities for people who live in the communities where we work, and engage with local schools and colleges to attract people from all backgrounds into a career in construction.
Sustainable development goals
We support the UN Sustainable Development Goals to ‘end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all’. We consider these six goals to be those where we can make the biggest impact in line with our Total Commitments.